Finding our H…

Smokeylemon logo byline 100x20mm web

Our second area that we started on immediately was choosing an agency to help us create the Hosking House brand and website.

We met with a few companies, all creative, passionate people and again it was a tough decision – but some how we just knew the team at Smokey Lemon was the right partner for us and we had utmost confidence that they would work their creative magic and help us create the look of Hosking House to the outside world.

We went in for our first meeting – literally carrying a wine bottle – which had a letter H on it that we loved.  We tossed around ideas for names – 1 Vic, or 1 Victoria and eventually decided to call the business Hosking House, after a long talk, wine glasses in hand, in front of this bottle.  We wanted the business to reflect a bit of the Hosking Family name tradition as Rod is the only son in his family.

The team at Smokey Lemon – Mandy, Brenda, Cameron, Rakesh, Casie and Jo (and a few others I am sure I am missing) took the convoluted ideas straight out of our heads, combined them with their own wicked creativity, good business sense and market knowledge and created a brand that truly represents the classic elegance and modern style that we dreamed of.

Our H is fantastic and the website is robust, clean, functional, easy to use and most of all – OURS!

They have been such a pleasure to deal with and have such a strong attention to detail.  Little things make all the difference – for example, after seeing our logo on our Facebook page, Brenda, creative woman that she is, sent me new versions that fit within the space and looked perfect.  Little things that I would not even pick up, were seamlessly taken care of by the hard working Smokey Lemon team.

Knowing that they are a creative partner just a quick call or email away is really reassuring.  As the business grows, I am sure we’ll have many more meetings involving bottles of wine and creative ideas!