The world is small.

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One of the greatest things about New Plymouth is that it is a small town at heart.  Once people know you, they open up their homes and lives to you.  Being an immigrant, you share a very special bond with those like you – and friendships forms quite quickly.  I’ve been so very blessed to have made friends with a wonderful group of women who have moved here from the US and Canada – and then through them have met fabulous local kiwis. The quiet social life of our first year is turning around.

We’ve just had to say ‘see you soon’ to one of the founding members of the New Plymouth Women’s Walking Group – which held weekly or so early morning Friday walks on the walkway that may have some times featured sparkling wine in times of celebration or poignancy and always included some time for winging about the challenges of life in a new country, (where to shop?  how much do they want for that?  why won’t they just give me an interview?  why does the ketchup taste funny? can a girl just get a large cup of filter coffee in this joint?  and most importantly where are the large glasses of wine?) and plenty of oooohs and aaaahs about the beautiful view and sunrise.  This morning the mood was heavy – filled with good wishes for her and sadness to be losing her company.  Kind of felt like the band was breaking up.

We had some inquisitive looks from those up that early as we sipped our sparkling on the rocks – but we just smiled and said ‘gday.’  We’re getting this kiwi thing….

I challenge anyone to walk on this magnificent walkway lining the city and the sea and not feel like your burdens or worries are not left somewhat behind at the end.

Cheers to you my friend.  The world is a small place, go get it and be happy – you are not fine, you are fabulous!  See you soon.