Hearts wide open



These lyrics perfectly describe the emotions of being an immigrant here in New Zealand.

Tonight I am feeling for you, under the state of a strange land…

The adventure of living in a new country, and one I love as much as New Zealand, is equally balanced by the sheer overwhelming feeling of being someplace foreign to where I grew up, what I am used to.

You have sacrificed much to be here, therefore the graces I offer you my hand..

All who are here, or in a foreign country know the ache of being far from family.  It hits some times to fiercely that I have to grip at a hard surface and just cry.  But there is grace in sharing this experience with those here I love, and with those I’ve met going through the same experience.  We have chosen to be here, and the immediate bond you make is amazing.  The small talk is cut out, and you can form friendships that are deep, and truthful.  You share the love of this amazing country, and region as well as the heartache of the reality of being so very far from many you love.

Welcome home, from the bottom of our hearts….

We have dear friends, ones we’ve bonded with and who have become our New Zealand family who are moving back home this week.  It is for their best, and we are so very happy for them.  And truthfully we are a bit heartbroken.  We welcome them home to their families and wish them just pure joy, and happiness.

And out here on the edge…

This remote town at the bottom of the earth was a more vibrant place with their presence and is richer due to all of the people who choose to make a home here.

You’ll find most of us here with our hearts wide open…Haere Mai.

I am here in New Zealand, because I chose to keep my heart open after it broke apart into tiny pieces, and I chose to follow it to put it back together.  It was a bold decision, but one I had to trust in deeply.  I was amazed at how quickly I loved this town and this country given the balance with being so far away from New York. It was not only the physical beauty, and arts and events scene, but the people.  The local people and the tribe of immigrants in my same boat.  This remote and wild place tests me and those who have traveled far to make it a home.  But the beauty, love and friendship creates a rich life and puts it all back together.

From the bottom of my heart, my dear friends I welcome you home and know that my world is richer due to knowing you.  It’s just a short flight until we get to have fun again.