We’ve been heads down with guests for the past two months. The House has been full, filled with suitcases carried in and out, chairs, blankets and picnics being carried up into the park to listen to the bands and see the lights, and our mornings filled with eggs and coffees. There have been so many interesting and delightful guests that we have been honored to meet. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know them and sharing our own stories.
After a year of running this House as my full time job, I am slowly settling into what people would tell me about this type of role, “it’s a lifestyle business.” I do often joke that this is not a rock style life, but one of cleaning and scrambling eggs. But truly and slowly I’ve realized that it is one of simple, daily pleasures.
Serving people a meal, and having the recipient say, ‘thank you’ and enjoy it
Seeing their smiles and hearing the ooohs and ahhhhs when guests see their room for the first time
Having the time every day to walk our dog on a black sand beach and walk until we are done
Picking flowers and vegetables from the garden
The joy of hard work and being able to relax and feel accomplished at the end of the day
The beauty of working for ourselves
I’ve started a new ritual that has greatly improved my enjoyment of cleaning the House. I listen to podcasts while I clean. One of my favorites is Fresh Air, with Terry Gross. I recently read an article about her, and understand my connection to her….
Wise words – ones to create a life by.