Things to know before starting


I just read a decent article about the things you need to know before starting a bed and breakfast….

Why didn’t anyone tell me about number 1?  Rod and I do joke about that, and call the House our “Hilton.”  Seriously, we started this business truly out of a passion.  We had both travelled extensively and I remember on frequent occasions being in a hotel or an inn and thinking how I would run things.  We created this House together, and I don’t know if I ever would have had the guts to do so on my own.

I think I could write my own article about what you’d need to know before starting a dream business, or welcoming people into your home, or creating something from the heart, or going into hospitality…….

– You will work harder than you have ever worked before, but you won’t notice.

– You will witness moments of great beauty, great personal significance for your guests and it will touch your heart.

– People will be mean to you, smile to your face and then leave and write negative reviews, mess up your rooms, do a spray tan in your white tiled bathroom, drip shoe polish on your light carpet and not tell you.  They don’t mean it, they are not doing it to hurt you.  Develop a thicker skin, forget it quickly and pick yourself back up.

– People will astonish you with their generosity, their kind words and thoughtful deeds.  These will greatly outweigh any negativity and will nourish you.  (Especially at times of exhaustion!)

– Celebrate each and every achievement.  Each milestone, each goal you meet, however small.

– You will not be everyone’s cup of tea, but you will create something that people will truly delight in.  Trust me.

– Get away from the business frequently.  Go for a walk, travel, refresh, visit a gallery, eat at that new spot in town, watch a sunset.  Nourish your soul so that you can take care of others.

– There are many choices of businesses, be humbled that people choose yours.

– Although I hate the term – network.  Get to know fellow business owners, support each other, make sure people know about you and your business.  Don’t be fake about it – I am very, very shy, but the relationships I’ve made when I push myself to attend industry events have truly helped the business and helped me.

– Constantly evolve.  If you create it, it doesn’t mean they will come.  Make sure you are not just running the day to day elements of the business, but that someone is steering the ship to the big goal.

– Work hard and good things will come.  Every day do your best and then leave the rest behind.  If something seems impossible, it may be, question why you think it’s so important – trust yourself.

I wish I could back in time and sit down with my younger self and tell her where she would wind up.  The adventures she’d have, the business she’d build.  I’ve never had a clear career path, but I have learned from my parents and worked very hard my entire life and followed my heart.  My younger self would never, never dream that she’d be living in this little city by the sea in New Zealand and doing something she loved, with a sweet, gorgeous partner and a naughty yellow dog.  But here I am!