The Big Time


Since the start of the year, we’ve started getting our kitchen supplies from a restaurant supply service versus the grocery store.  This helps us out tremendously as it cuts down on our time getting supplies, cuts costs and helps us best manage the entire shopping process.

This time of year we source a lot of the fruit and vegetables from our own garden including onions, potatoes, garlic, tomatoes, thyme, basil, parsley, chives, strawberries, raspberries, feijoas, apples, pears and plums (we have a stubborn peach tree that is sticking with curly leaf disease rather than giving us fruit, but I’m not giving up hope.)  Couple this bounty with eggs from the Hosking family farm and we’re pretty set – just need a few things to add.

So this service for those extras is brilliant.

It’s a tiny step towards the real making of this business.  To me it’s kind of a big deal. It means we really are running a ‘business’, not just a labor of love.

We really do need a dozen eggs a day for guest breakfast, and litres of milk and orange juice go out the door quicker than we can stock them.

It is also quite surreal to get supplies in such vast quantities.  I laughed when opening this huge box of cereal.

We are slowly making it to the big time.  One breakfast at a time.