Sound of Laughter

The House was full last weekend with three couples who travelled here to see the Garden Festival.  One of the couples had stayed with us during one of our first months of business, and booked in their friends to come back together.

We just love having the House full with people travelling together.  It is so fun to hear laughter in the lounges, help them find just the right spot for a group dinner that will please all, and see people have fun together.

People often ask us about what it’s like having strangers in our House, and if it cuts into our privacy.  Our experience has been overwhelmingly positive.  The vast majority of our guests have been truly lovely people, with great stories, and great hearts. Travel gets you out of your day-to-day life, and the conversations are deep and easy – where do you come from, who are you, what do you like…

We are so passionate about this provincial, west coast city by the sea and the great things that our local neighbors have created.  Hearing others enjoy it like we do, makes our lives richer.  Our idea of privacy has changed. It’s fun to host people in our House.  Our guests, their stories and their travels enrich our daily lives.

It’s like one big party =)