Taranaki Garden Spectacular – Armstrong Garden

We have 2 garden festivals going on this week – the Powerco Taranaki Garden Spectacular, and the Fringe Festival.  Together, there are almost 100 gardens open to the public.  It’s a gorgeous time of year, everything is flowering, and the weather is sunny and calm.

I visited the first garden of the Festival over the weekend the Armstrong Garden in Waitara.

Alathea has a passion for the English cottage garden style in her large town garden. Herbaceous borders are full of spring colour and fragrance, featuring a large range of perennials and annuals. Some are new and unusual sitting amongst traditional favourites.  Roses in abundance add scent and colour to this charming cottage garden.

It was truly amazing – and you can see what a labor of love it is.  This is the last year this garden will be in the festival and I am so very glad I got to see it!