Learning something new…

Peris Collage

We have this lovely tall but slim bush by our kitchen door that creates these dainty white flowers in winter.  I popped into a local florist that I love, Petal & Prickle last week, and saw them.  I had no idea I could use them in an arrangement.  I am constantly learning new things about the plants that grow here and little tips to maintaining this multi-tiered garden.

As much as I’d love visiting a florist for bouquets for the House, based on our slim budgets, I do try and source all of the flowers from the garden or surrounding parks and public spaces.  We have huge amounts of Cala Lillies growing around the Huatoki stream right now, and guests were greeted to our own Peris (or Pieris,) this past weekend.  I think the previous owners of this House would be delighted to see the flowers that they planted welcoming our guests.