
The gardens at 1 Victoria are a true labor of love – but not created by us, we are just the care takers.

It takes at least a year to get a real feel for a house, learn about the light, get settled in, and discover a bit of the garden.  We moved in in late September, and due to the mild winter, the start to spring in the garden is about a month early this year.

Each day something else appears.  We discovered bright red begonias popping up in the pots on the arch last year, but had no idea there were tulips too (who even knew you could put them in the same pot!)  The magnolia trees gave us huge fat blooms and the rhododendrons ranging from bright pink to white are showing themselves.

We’ve watched a full year of seasons through the wedding-cake trees and they are now coming alive with frilly buds.

I’ve tried to learn how to prune roses, deal with curly-leaf disease, make our own compost and that the beautiful purple flowers leading up to the veggie beds are actually weeds. After breakfast service, we spend weekend days in the garden and now that the days are getting a bit longer, enjoy a few hours during the week.

The past owners of this house lovingly designed, planted and tended to these gardens.  They would know exactly what would be coming to life each season and based on the bounty and beauty – I can only imagine their delight.

When guests arrive at night, it is such fun to see their reaction in the morning as they over look the garden at breakfast and see the grounds for the first time.  Pretty magical!