My new best friend…

I wish.

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I literally stumbled upon Poppies while out for a run in Martinborough.  I had no idea if it was a winery, or restaurant…it just looked inviting and I added to our itinerary for a day wine tasting with my mom.

Immediately upon walking into this stylish, welcoming tasting bar, courtyard and event venue, I couldn’t help but smile.  I oooohhhh’d and ahhhhhh’d over the decor and wanted to move in.  After having meeting Poppy and her husband Shane, I wanted Rod and I to be their new best friends.   (Still working on both.)

Poppy poured us her wines, explained her vision and her warmth and passion was infectious.  A sweet detail: they had run out of their Rosé, and instead of leaving a hole in the tasting during prime Rosé season, she was pouring a lovely Spanish version.

Poppy and Shayne Hammond invite you to celebrate the elegance and romance of wine with them, at Poppies Martinborough, one of Martinborough’s stylish wineries and vineyards.

You sit for lunch, and are served an amazing ‘vineyard’ platter with just the best nibbles.  It’s robust and elegant, and a perfect pairing to the wines.

This is truly the perfect wine tasting experience.  I look forward to directing guests to the door of Poppies – and making many return trips myself.

When people combine their passion with their skill – it creates true art.  Poppies does just that.